Rainbow Hills - Near Mars Research
Rainbow Hills - Near mars research
Near Hanksville, UT
Images by JManjeot
Location summary by Tim Wier
Trail Difficulty - Moderate
The road to this location is bumpy and sandy in a few spots. It is best to drive here in a high-clearance vehicle, but an SUV can also do the job. The walk up the colorful hills is a fairly easy 500 ft walk from the parking area.
GPS Coordinates & Elevation
38°24’52.7”N 110°47’04.0”W
5,598 ft Elevation
Download KMZ Trail File
Click Here to download the KMZ file for this location.
Photography Tips
There are many compositions at this location. However, it is challenging to capture the essence of this beautiful place with a DSLR (I suggest flying a drone above the colorful mounds and experiencing the unique stripes and striations).
If you use a DSLR, try hiking to the second mound west of the parking area and capturing as much of the wonderful hills and the Henry Mountains as possible.
IMPORTANT: This location is just south of the Mars Desert Research Station, which is private property and should be avoided.
CLICK HERE to get driving directions to the Rainbow Hills (near Mars Desert Research Station MDRS).
From Hanksville - drive west on UT-24, leaving Hanksville. Once you cross the Fremont River, drive another 2.4 miles, and you will see a dirt road on the right side (this is easily missed). Follow this dirt road for 4 miles, and you will see a parking area on the left.
NOTE: This dirt road is sandy and bumpy in some places. It is suggested that you have a high-clearance vehicle, but if you are careful, you can get a standard SUV. USE YOUR BEST JUDGMENT.
From the parking area, hike west up the rainbow hills. You can hike to any of the rainbow hills to capture a nice shot. If you fly a drone, you can do so in the parking area.
Google Earth
Best Time of Day to Shoot
You can shoot this location at sunrise, the Blue Hour, or overcast days. Sunrise will produce the best images of the colorful formations and the Henry Mountains in the distance. Shooting here at Blue Hour will help to eliminate the harsh contrast and provide pastel colors.
Best Time of Year
You can photograph this location any time of the year.
Lens(es) Needed
With a DSLR, I suggest bringing a 16 - 100 mm lens.
Birds-Eye View From Google Earth Pro
No permits are required in the area. This location is just north of the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), which is private property and should be avoided.
Direction of the Shot
The direction of the primary shoots (including the Henry Mountains) shot is south by southwest at around 200°.
Equipment Needed
No special photography equipment is needed.
Number of Other Photographers to Expect
This location is off the beaten path, but there is a good chance there will be other photographers there.
The area around Hanksville has a high desert climate at about 5,000 ft. elevation. Temperatures can vary up to 30° —40° a day. Spring and fall are nice, but summer can get into the high 90s.
Cell Service
I have Verizon, and the cell service from this location is spotty. A stronger cell signal is available as you are near Hanksville.
Lodging & Camping
There are 2 motels and 2 RV Parks in Hanksville and 1 hotel in Caineville.
Camping - click on the campground below for directions
Duke's Slickrock Campground & RV Park – 275 E Highway 24, Hanksville, UT 84734
Lodging - click on the lodging below for a TripAdvisor review
Muddy Creek Mining Company
(877) 711-3857
280 E 100 N, Hanksville, UT
Whispering Sands Motel
(435) 542-3238
90 South HW 95, UT
Nearby Restaurants
Hanksville is the closest town and there are a few places to eat there. After a morning shoot, I enjoy a good breakfast (biscuits and gravy) at Duke’s Slickrock Grill in Hanksville. They have great food, and nice people run the place. Stan's Burger Shak makes a good hamburger and a hardy shake, and the Outlaw’s Roost makes great tacos.
Nearby Restaurants - click on the restaurant below for yelp review
Duke’s Slickrock Grill
(435) 542-3235
Stan's Burger Shak
(435) 542-3330
Outlaw’s Roost
(435) 542-1763
Area Guides and Workshops
Melvin Perc @ Meridan Tours 954-907-6259
Many areas around Hanksville are wonderful to photograph, but they can only be visited with a high-clearance vehicle. Several outfitters, guides, and tour companies take you to remote places for photography tours or overnight stays.
I have used Melvin Perc at Meridian Tours (954-907-6259) and really enjoy his knowledge of the area and the time he takes to ensure your experience is first-rate. (NOTE: I have no relationship with Mel and pay full price when using him for tours.)