Factory Butte Backside
factory butte backside
Near Hanksville, UT
Images and location summary by Tim Wier
Trail Difficulty - Easy to Moderate
The main road (Coal Mine Rd) is easy to moderate, with a few bumpy spots. However, the dirt road (BLM 0090 - W Factory Rd) that takes you to the back part of the butte is narrow and hilly. From the parking area, the walk is an easy 75 yards.
NOTE: the dirt road to this location can be impassable when the ground is wet/muddy.
GPS Coordinates & Elevation
38°27’30.02”N 110°56’42.32”W
4,831 Ft. Elevation
Download KMZ Trail File
Click Here to download the KMZ file for this location.
Photography Tips
In the afternoon, toward sunset, the sidelight magnifies the stunning ripples around Factory Butte and can provide some great compositions. Walk around, find your composition, and be ready in the last hour before sunset.
CLICK HERE to get driving directions to Factory Butte.
The closest town is Hanksville, UT, which is located in the south-central part of Utah. The directions are from Hanksville, UT.
From Hanksville, travel west 10.6 miles on UT-24 until you get to a street sign that says 6650 EAST (this is Coal Mine Rd). Take a right and travel .8 of a mile, and you will reach a fork in the road. Stay right at the fork and travel 8.1 miles (8.9 miles total from UT-24) until you see a small structure describing "Coal Mining On Factory Butte" on the right side of the road. From the structure, on your left, you will see a small dirt road to the left (BLM 0090), which is West Factory Rd. Take this small dirt road for 2.6 miles, and you will see a small turnout on the right. Park here and walk toward Factory Butte for about 75 yards.
This single-lane dirt road goes up and down some hills and has several blind hills and turns, so it is best to be cautious driving. NOTE: This dirt road becomes completely impassable when wet. Pay close attention if there is a chance of rain while you are there. If it rains while you are out on this road, you may spend the night there or, worse, in a deep ditch.
Google Earth
Focal Length – 54 mm
Exposure – 1/20 th sec @ f 8.0
ISO – 100
Date – Feb 5th
Time – 5:32 pm
Best Time of Day to Shoot
This shot is best in the late afternoon up to sunset.
The image above was taken at 5:32 pm on a day when the stated sunset was 5:47 pm
Best Time of Year
The location can be photographed at any time of year.
The image above was taken on Feb 5th.
Lens(es) Needed
The image above was taken at 52 mm.
Birds-Eye View From Google Earth Pro
No permits are required in the area.
Direction of the Shot
The direction of the shot is southwest, around 138°.
Equipment Needed
I would suggest a sturdy tripod, as you may need to blend images together. The sky might wash out earlier than the sun glows on the top of the butte.
Number of Other Photographers to Expect
This location is off the beaten path and is hard to get to. Most likely, you will be the only person at this location.
The area around Hanksville has a high desert climate at about 5,000 ft. elevation. Temperatures can vary up to 30° —40° a day. Spring and fall are nice, but summer can get into the high 90s.
Cell Service
I have Verizon, and the cell service from this location is spotty. A stronger cell signal is available as you are near Hanksville.
Lodging & Camping
The area around the Factory Butte is badlands, with the closest towns being Hanksville and Caineville, Utah. There is a small camping area just off of the road to this location (not sure if it is sanctioned by BLM or not) with a makeshift fire pit. There are other camping areas and lodgings in both Hanksville and Caineville. There are 2 motels and 2 RV Parks in Hanksville and 1 hotel in Caineville.
Camping - click on the campground below for directions
Duke's Slickrock Campground & RV Park – 275 E Highway 24, Hanksville, UT 84734
Lodging - click on the lodging below for a TripAdvisor review
Muddy Creek Mining Company
(877) 711-3857
280 E 100 N, Hanksville, UT
Whispering Sands Motel
(435) 542-3238
90 South HW 95, UT
Nearby Restaurants
Hanksville is the closest town and there are a few places to eat there. After a morning shoot, I enjoy a good breakfast (biscuits and gravy) at Duke’s Slickrock Grill in Hanksville. They have great food, and nice people run the place. Stan's Burger Shak makes a good hamburger and a hardy shake, and the Outlaw’s Roost makes great tacos.
Nearby Restaurants - click on the restaurant below for yelp review
Duke’s Slickrock Grill
(435) 542-3235
Stan's Burger Shak
(435) 542-3330
Outlaw’s Roost
(435) 542-1763
Area Guides and Workshops
Melvin Perc @ Meridan Tours 954-907-6259
Many areas around Hanksville are wonderful to photograph, but they can only be visited with a high-clearance vehicle. Several outfitters, guides, and tour companies take you to remote places for photography tours or overnight stays.
I have used Melvin Perc at Meridian Tours (954-907-6259) and really enjoy his knowledge of the area and the time he takes to ensure your experience is first-rate. (NOTE: I have no relationship with Mel and pay full price when using him for tours.)