Ferns on Kebler Pass
Kebler Pass Ferns
Near Crested Butte, CO
Images and location summary by Tim Wier
Trail Difficulty - EASY TO MODERATE
I would rate the difficulty of this trail 2 on a scale of 1-5 (with 5 being most difficult). This shot is taken in an aspen grove just off the Kebler Pass. However, hiking in an aspens grove can sometimes be challenging - walking over downed trees and roots.
GPS Coordinates & Elevation
8,750 Ft. Elevation
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CLICK HERE to get driving directions to the location of this shot
From Crested Butte - travel west on CO RD 12 (Kebler Pass) for 11.7 (about 1/4 miles past the Horse Ranch park). You can park at a small pullout on the right side of the road past this location. Walk across the road from the pullout, and there is a nice aspen grove with good ferns (usually).
Photography Tips
Driving along the Kebler pass, you will pass several aspen groves with good ferns (some better than others). The little grove where I shot this image usually has healthy ferns mixed in with the nice white-trunk trees.
As mentioned before, when photographing aspens - look around, walk around, turn around, look up, look down and try to find interesting compositions. I found this composition when I tripped over a log. While on the ground, I looked up and saw what I thought might be a nice shot.
Sometimes the best shots are found in the middle of the obvious.
Focal Length – 17 mm equivalent lens
Exposure – 10th sec @ f 8.0
ISO – 100
Date – Sept 20th
Time – 7:37 am
Best Time of Day to Shoot
I initially found this shot in the middle of a cloudy day. The lighting was good, but I decided to return early the next morning. As it turned out, the early morning shot (1/2 hour after sunrise) provided the lighting, I was looking for.
Best Time of Year
The best time to shoot Aspen trees is during the fall color season (depending on the year, this ranges between the last week in September to the first week in October). However, ferns usually turn several days to a week before the aspen trees.
The above shot was taken on September 20th
Lens(es) Needed
I would rarely shoot aspen trees with a wide-angle lens. However, this composition called for a super wide-angle lens.
The above image was taken with a 17 mm equivalent lens.
Birds-Eye View
There are no permits required on the Kebler pass.
Direction of the Shot
The direction of this shot is northwest, around 300°.
Equipment Needed
I would make sure you have a sturdy tripod and a polarizing filter.
Number of Other Photographers to Expect
During the fall, the Kebler pass will be filled with photographers most of the day. However, there is plenty of room for everyone. This location is just off the road, and you will likely be the only one there.
The weather in Colorado usually is mild in the summer and cold (lows in the 20’s) in the spring and fall. This location is almost 10,000 ft. in elevation – so the temperatures are colder than most locations around this area.
Cell Service
Cell service is usually good on most parts of the Kebler pass.
Lodging & Camping
There are a few campsites near and several places where dispersed camping is available/allowed on the Kebler pass.
Camping - click on the campground below for directions
Lodging - click on the lodging below for a TripAdvisor review
Lodge at Mountaineer Square
620 Gothic Road, Crested Butte, CO
Grand Lodge Crested Butte
6 Emmons Loop, Crested Butte, CO
Nearby Restaurants
The closest town is Crested Butte, home to plenty of good eating and drinking establishments. It is a GREAT little town and one of my favorite places in all of Colorado. When in Crested Butte, make sure you stop by McGills or Butte Bagels for breakfast. They will both be busy but worth the wait. The secret for Butte Bagels is to call in your order and pick it up in the back.
For a nice Italian dinner, eat at Marchitelli's and for a great steak, try Elk Ave Prime (make sure you make a reservation for both).
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