Sunday Drive
Near Purgatory, CO
Sunday Drive
I named this image “Sunday Drive” for two reasons. First, it reminded me of a time when my folks used to go out in their ’51 Olds before a traditional Sunday supper. Of course, now, most Sunday drives are on the golf course or on a computer. Second, Barbara and I have been in Colorado for three of the last five fall color seasons. For us, photography is more than capturing the iconic locations that we just have to shoot. It is also about discovering something new, something seldom shot, but a scene that is totally worth it. So, on this Sunday, the colors were pretty shot on the other side of the Million Dollar Highway (US 550). We were exploring areas mostly between Purgatory and Silverton.
Occasionally, a location will grab your eye that you have driven past dozens of times. Perhaps the light will be different, or you won’t be distracted when passing. It pays to be on the lookout. This was one of those spots. We had been glancing at some grazing horses nearby when this scene cropped up. We could park along the road, hop the fence, and meander down this seldom-used road. I was unaware of any no-trespassing signs, but please be respectful if you go there.
If you are in the area and some of the color has already disappeared, or you have exhausted the possibilities on the other side of the mountain, I encourage you to investigate this location. You might notice photogenic red ferns in the forest undercover as well. Also, behind Purgatory, take Hermosa Park Road all the way back to where it turns north. There is a lot to discover there on your next Sunday drive.
Images and location summary by Rob Strain
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This shot was taken just off a small dirt road that is S Windom Way.
This shot is as close to a lay-up as you will get. It is all about the colors, the mood, and the lighting. The sun crests the mountains to the east, providing a nice sidelight for the scene. It is best with a little cloud cover to provide diffused lighting.
Also: look for nice compositions of the forest floor (ferns) on the left side of the road. You may have to visit this location a few times until everything is just right.
The shot was taken with a 35mm lens.
xxx Ft. Elevation
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