Sunset Arch
Sunset Arch
Near Escalante, UT
Images and location summary by Tim Wier
Trail Difficulty - MODERATE
The difficulty of this trail is 2.5 on a scale of 1-5 (with 5 being the most difficult). There are several places to hike along BLM 270 (Fourty Mile Ridge Rd). Depending on where you start, the hike is roughly 1.1 miles. The hike is fairly straightforward, walking downhill (200 ft elevation) toward the Arch. There is a steep ravine about a 1/3 of the way on the hike, which you may need to navigate.
The Hole-in-the-rock road can be bumpy with washboards for about 60% of the time.
Note: The dirt road BLM 270 (Fourty Mile Ridge Rd) to this location can be impassable when the ground is wet/muddy.
GPS Coordinates & Elevation
4,568 Ft. Elevation
Download KMZ Trail File
Click Here to download the KMZ file for this location.
Photography Tips
Photographing the Arch is fairly straightforward. Try to position yourself where the Arch looks big and long, and the mountains in the background are centered under the Arch. You may want to take multiple test shots (to find your composition) while waiting for the setting sun to be ready when the Arch GLOWS.
For my shot, I found the position/area around the Arch I wanted to use for my composition and then tested with a 16mm and 24mm lens - and found I liked the 24 mm better. As the sun was getting close to the mountain to the west, the Arch starts to glow, and I shot from multiple angles (and bracketed) and found I liked the image above the best.
CLICK HERE to get driving directions to the Sunset Arch parking area.
From Escalante - drive east on UT-12 E for 5.0 miles and turn right on BLM 200 (Hole In The Rock Rd). From the turn, drive 36.1 miles and turn left on BLM 270 (Forty Mile Ridge Rd). From the turn on BLM 270 (Forty Mile Ridge Rd), drive 4.2 miles and turn left at a parking area.
An alternated parking/hike is only 3.5 miles on BLM 270 (Fourty Mile Ridge Rd). The hike is the same distance, but the parking area is MUCH easier.
From the parking area, hike 1.1 miles south toward the Sunset Arch. You will see the Arch from the hike once you get pretty close. The hike will take you about 30 to 45 min to get there.
Google Earth
Focal Length – 24 mm
Exposure – 90th sec @ f 8.0
ISO – 100
Date – April 10th
Time – 7:18 pm
Best Time of Day to Shoot
This is called Sunset Arch because it GLOWS as the sun is just about to set. IMPORTANT: The sun will drop behind the mountains to the west about 30 minutes before the stated time, so be set up and ready to shoot about 45 minutes before sunset.
The above image was taken at 7:18 pm on a day when the stated sunset was 7:54 pm.
Best Time of Year
This location is best photographed in late March through mid-September when the sunset angle is west by northwest. In winter, the sun's direction is too far south to make the Arch glow at sunset.
Lens(es) Needed
The image above was taken at 24mm.
Birds-Eye View From Google Earth Pro
There are no permits required at this location.
Direction of the Shot
The direction of the shot is south around 160°.
Equipment Needed
No special photography equipment is needed. I would not use a tripod (your shutter speeds will be high) because you will want to be nimble as you find your composition and be prepared to shoot many shots fairly quickly. I suggest a GPS tracking app to find your location and a headlamp/flashlight for your return hike after sunset.
Number of Other Photographers to Expect
This location is off the beaten path, and you will most likely be the only person there.
The area around Escalante is a high desert climate at about 4,600 ft. elevation. The temperatures can vary up to 30° - 40° a day. Spring and fall are nice, but summer can get into the high 90s.
Cell Service
There is NO cell service at this location. You will start to get cell service as you get closer to Escalante.
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