Caineville Color
Caineville Color
Near Caineville, UT
Images and location summary by Tim Wier
Trail Difficulty - EASY
I rate the difficulty of this trail as a 2 on a scale of 1-5 (with 5 being most difficult). The location of this shot is an easy quarter-mile walk from the main road (UT24). The land where this shot is taken is on walk-in access public property (Utah Division of Wildlife Resources) and can be entered only on foot. However, there are areas just in front of this location that are fenced and private.
GPS Coordinates & Elevation
4,623 ft Elevation
Download KMZ Trail File
Click Here to download the KMZ file for this location.
Photography Tips
This location is best photographed AFTER THE SUN GOES BELOW THE HORIZON. If you wait until after the sunset, the colors become softer and muted but more vibrant and free of direct sunlight. The yellow leaves will pop, and the contrast with the blue mesa behind the trees is what makes the shot.
If your camera shutter speed drops below 1/250, you will most likely experience unfocused images due to camera shake. If needed, I suggest pushing your ISO to a point where you can obtain a higher shutter speed.
When looking for a composition, look for unique ridges in the blue mesa to line up the trees.
CLICK HERE to get driving directions to the Caineville Color
From Hanksville - drive west UT-24 W for about 13 1/2 miles, and you will see a dirt pullout on the south side of the road. This location is 3 miles past the turnoff for Factory Butte or about 2 miles past the Swing Arm City.
The land where this shot is taken is on walk-in access public property (Utah Division of Wildlife Resources) and can be entered only on foot. However, there are areas just in front of this location that are fenced and private.
To get to the location of the shot, go through the gate and walk south for about 50 yards, then walk west for about 75 yards and cross over to the west pasture. The shot was taken just before the fence (see map below).
Google Earth
Focal Length – 200 mm
Exposure – 1/60 th sec @ f 8.0
ISO – 100
Date – Oct 24th
Time – 6:34 pm (stated time for sunset was 6:33 pm)
Best Time of Day to Shoot
As mentioned, the best time to produce great images of colorful trees against the Blue Mesa is after sunset.
Best Time of Year
You can shoot at this location at any time of year. However, the trees in this area historically turn golden in mid to late October.
Lens(es) Needed
Several nice trees are along the Fremont River, with the Blue Mesa as a backdrop. I would bring a 70 mm - 200 mm lens on your walk.
The image above was taken at 200 mm.
As mentioned, the land where this shot was taken is on walk-in access public property (Utah Division of Wildlife Resources) and can be entered only on foot. However, there are areas just in front of this location that are fenced and private.
Direction of the Shot
The direction of the shot is south, about 160°.
Equipment Needed
You will be shooting after sunset (blue hour) at 200 mm+ and need a shutter speed above 1/250. With this in mind, you should bring a sturdy tripod.
If your camera shutter speed drops below 1/250, you will most likely experience unfocused images due to camera shake. I suggest pushing your ISO to a point where you can obtain a higher shutter speed.
Number of Other Photographers to Expect
There will be plenty of photographers around Hanksville during the fall color season. However, this location is off of the beaten path, and you will most likely be the only person at this location around sunset.
The area around Hanksvill / Caineville is a high desert climate at about 4,700 ft. elevation. The temperatures can vary up to 30° - 40° a day. Spring and fall are nice, but summer can get into the high 90s.
Cell Service
I have Verizon, and there is NO cell service at this location. A stronger cell signal is available as you are near Hanksville.
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