Mabry Mill
Blue Ridge Parkway, VA
The Blue Ridge Parkway, with its slow-paced feel and incredible views of the Appalachian Highlands, is like no other place in the country. When combined with the bright colors of fall and old rustic structures, this wonderful area transforms into a photographer's paradise.
The Mabry Mill, located near the Meadows of Dan, VA, is one of the photographed places along the parkway. This iconic gristmill was originally built by Ed and Lizzie Mabry around 1905 and was in service until 1938 when the location was purchased by the National Park Service.
Location summary and image by Rob Strain.
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It is a very short walk from the parking area to the best locations for photography. However, take the time to look around, as there are other angles possible.
This location is on the right side of the slope, but far enough from the water that the reflection is positioned properly. There are locations to the right of the pond that focus more on the milling wheel. Arrive at least half an hour before sunrise to get a good spot, since it can be busy when the color is changing. Shortly after sunrise, the sun will come through the trees, giving nice highlights in the forest in the background. The weeds in front of the mill will also turn color if it has been cold enough.
Look for a reflection that includes the entire roof of the mill. Be respectful of other photographers who may have gotten the best positions before your arrival.
For a single FF lens, expect to use 24-50 mm range.
The above image was taken with a 56 mm APS-C sensor, and six vertical images were stitched for panorama.
2,802 Ft. Elevation
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KMZ Trail File
Best Time of Day to Shoot
Best Time of Year to Shoot
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Direction of Shot
Google Maps Birds-Eye-View
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