Badwater Basin
Death Valley, CA
Badwater Basin
Beauty can be found almost anywhere if you know where to look. The Badwater Basin in Death Valley is 282 ft below sea level, making it the lowest point in North America, and is entirely void of any foliage, structure, or water (most of the time). However, this unique location can provide great photographic opportunities if you look for them.
This unworldly salt flat, with endless polygon-shaped formations, is one of the most popular attractions in Death Valley. You would be remiss not to visit this unique experience while visiting the park. This is also home to one of the hottest places on earth.
Images and location summary by Tim Wier
Annual Subscription
Lifetime Membership
I would rate the difficulty of this trail as a 1 - 2 on a scale of 1-5 (with 5 being most difficult). The hike to this location ranges between 1/2 and 1 mile from the parking area (depending on the route you take) with little to no elevation gain.
You would think shooting a flat hexagonal-shaped salt pattern would be so simple a caveman could do it. Well, it is not as easy as it looks.
First, you want to decide which direction you will shoot - North or South. The sky, time of year, time of day, clouds, crowds, and weather may impact this decision.
Next, you need to find a suitable series …
Depending on your composition, you will want to bring a wide or ultra-wide-angle lens. See "nuances of shot" above to help decide which lens is best for you.
The image above was taken with a 17mm equivalent lens.
-282 Ft. Elevation
Other Resources Available with Membership
KMZ Trail File
Best Time of Day to Shoot
Best Time of Year to Shoot
Equipment Needed
Permits Required
Direction of Shot
Google Maps Birds-Eye-View
Number of Photographers to Expect
Cell Service
Overnight Lodging/Camping
Nearby Restaurants
Area Guides and Workshops
Other Resources